I only wanted to take one album in and resisted the urge to pick up the newest album and took a slightly older one. I was amazed to find that as she looked through it I saw layouts that I had FORGOTTEN, and worse I saw photographs of days out that I had FORGOTTEN! Now bear in mind I only have albums of photos since I had Isabelle and she just turned five, so they weren't from the dim and distant past!
Anyway, when i got home I sat and looked through some of my other albums and spent a happy little while on my sofa looking at all the old layouts and photos. I have made a mental note not to let too long go by between looking at the albums and to help with this I moved some of the full albums into the higher cubes of my Expedit TV unit (My lounge is like an IKEA warehouse with all the Expedit products dumped in it - seriously it really is Expedit city but I do love cubes and at least it all matches!!)
So anyway, I thought I would leave you with a couple of rediscovered old favourites from my album, I know it is the school holidays and there are children to entertain for many of you but do try to take the time, maybe one evening with a glass of wine, to look through and enjoy the work you put into creating your layouts!