Monday 11 June 2012

Cybercrop Timetable and a little challenge...

Introducing your timetable for the cybercrop weekend crafty people!!...

FRIDAY JUNE 22nd 2012
19:00 Class 1 Mel Hand *
21:00 Class 2 Jane Hewitt
22:00 Challenge One

SATURDAY JUNE 23rd 2012   
09:00 Challenge Two
10:00 Class 3 Ann Freeman *
12:00 Class 4 Karen Cole
14:00 Class 5 Karen Moss
16:00 Class 6 Debbie Jewell *
17:00 Challenge Three
18:00 Class 7 Katherine
20:00 Class 8 Jane Hewitt
22:00 Class 9 Dawn Evans *
Midnight Challenge Four

SUNDAY JUNE 24th 2012
09:00 Challenge Five
10:00 Class 10 Rachael
12:00 Class 11 Karen Moss *
13:00 Challenge Six
15:00 Class 12 Ann Freeman *

Those classes marked with an * we have a limited number of kits available for which can be found HERE on the main website. Do not worry if you don't manage to get a kit as all classes can be adapted to use your own papers and make a dent in your existing supplies. Further details of what you need for each class will be posted throughout the week so there will be plenty of time to order anything special you might need.

So now you have a timetable you can get started on a little pre-cybcercrop challenge! Make a planner!
I love making planners to get me organised for my weekend. I usually opt for using C6 envelopes that way they can hold 6x4 photos I will print off in advance to be ready to make the most of my weekend. If you'd like to join in and get ready for the fun weekend we have in store be sure to leave a comment to this post with a link to your planner! We'd love to see them!