Sunday 29 August 2010

Those Paper Bag Books...

i got an email yesterday from Wendy asking to see the paperbag books i made for my cruise swap gifts.

My camera battery was dead and by the time it was charged the light was appalling so forgive the poor photos but here is the book that I kept for myself. I made 10 more the same for the onboard swap and the people i spoke to from the swap really liked them. We got some really neat gifts in our "Fish Extender" too :)

I left most of the pages quite empty so that they could add either photos, memorabilia or notes about their trip but to add interest i included some tags, journaling spots and embellishments here and there.
They were simple enough to make but of course times it by 11 books and even a relatively simple project takes quite a lot of time but they went down well so it was worth it!