Saturday 25 August 2018

Class 3 - GUESS WHO? with Jane

Hello and welcome to my first class. Up until very recently my job involved spending a lot of time playing games with children as part of counselling. 'Guess who?' is good for this as, in order to play, children have to ask and answer questions which is great for getting them talking! I love the pictures of people that flip up and down and I know the characters quite well.

This game inspired me to make a book that would have two sides to it like the game and have photos flipping out of the book - and the title of the game inspired the title of my book: Guess Who?...its Betty Boo! My new puppy!

Here are some pics of my project...

The instructions can be found here

Join us again at 11am when Tricia will be playing 'Go Fish' with you!

Jane x