Friday 18 August 2017

Challenge 1 - Film themed bingo

Hello scrappers and welcome to your first challenge of this film themed cybercrop weekend. I am sure you have played scrapping bingo before but for those of you who haven't, or who need a reminder here's what to do. Simply pick a line be it horizontal, vertical or diagonal and select those elements to incorporate on a new layout.

Save your completed layout in the challenge 1 gallery on Facebook once you have completed it and who knows, we may select a prize at random for a lucky participant. Challenges will remain open until midnight on Bank Holiday Monday 28th August to give you plenty of time to join in. 

My layout (created for a previous retreat class) illustrates the top horizontal row of the bingo board above, with blue colours, boy themed photos and paper and a heart (on the paper at the top left of the layout).

Karen also played along with this challenge and created the page below from the right hand column of the bingo board.

Debbie has played along too with the diagonal line of the bingo (top left to bottom right). 

That's it for your first day of this your 2017 film themed Cybercrop. See you back here tomorrow at 8am for challenge #2 ahead of your next class at 9am.