It is all now here, the complete line and available in our Just Arrived category.
There are of course the usual lovely papers, some regular, some divided, plus the 6x6 and 6x4 pads, brads, stickers, Sn@p pages etc... but also the new Sn@p Cuts
Admittedly there is not a lot of Summer to be found right now in the UK but this new range is sure to bring a little sunshine to your scrap room and is perfect for scrapping holiday photos or just to have ready for the moment the sun appears and we get some sunny photos to scrap!
So yesterday after it was all unpacked I a little "product testing!" and spent a happy afternoon scrapping with this new line. I finished this layout and started two others (will share those later.) I loved how the teal in the papers matched so well with the beautiful colour of the sea. To make my "bling" match I used my spectrum noir markers to colour the centres of the larger gems to match the teal colour.
I hope you like the layout, why not brighten up a dull and rainy UK Wednesday and add a little I Heart Summer to your stash?!