You know sometimes I like nothing more than to use lots of lovely products from my stash on a layout, there is a lot of satisfaction to be had using those special embellishments that you were saving for "just the right layout!" However, there are other times when you want to make something that is uniquely yours, that no one else will have exactly the same of and the only way to ensure this is to hand make your embellishments.
The layout below is not a new one, but it is one I absolutely loved making and which is not the same as anyone elses! I made all the little buttons on it with fimo and hand painted them to match the papers I was using. Would I do it for every layout? No way! but an evening spent in front of the TV making little round balls, squashing them into flat buttons and then adding indents and button holes using a variety of tools was quite theraputic. I then cooked the whole batch and used the majority the next night to make this layout. It was so easy to dig out the right number, paint them and glaze them with glossy accents - then I knew my layout was entirely uniquely mine!

The rest were stored in little jars which I came across last night while having a semi sort out. There aren't many left now and I feel another night of fimo playing coming on very soon!