Thanks to everyone who has visited and commented during our three day blog giveaway, be sure to come back often as we will be uploading classes, challenges, product spotlights and of course giveaways on a regular basis.
The February Challenge was to "Mix It Up" and we asked you to send us layouts where you had used 3 or more different paper manufacturers together on one page
As always we loved some of the entries we were sent. The winner was hard to choose but in the end we loved the soft colours in Sue Jones' layout "Yummy" and the combination between the clean simple lines with the more intricate embellishments she has constructed, you also have to admire the patience that went into hand cutting around the lacey edge of the patterned paper.
Congratulations to Sue who wins a £25 shopping voucher. Thanks as always to those who sent in their entries for the challenge, there were lots of lovely entries and you can expect to see a few more of them appearing on the blog in the next few days.
The March challenge will be posted tomorrow so come back then to see what we are looking for this month.
Identical kits but three very different layouts. Which one will win the shopping voucher? Vote in the poll to the right hand side of the page to have your say! Poll closes in one week.
Thanks again for taking part ladies!
I’m taking a bit of time off working on my retreat class in order to blog today and the arrival of our choice of classes last night reminded me that Mel asked me to do some pictures and instructions for how to make the recipe box that I made as one of the challenges at the last retreat...
Unfortunately I can’t show you step by step because I didn’t take photos at the time and I don’t have another box to cover, but it’s a simple process which I’ve outlined below.
You will need a plastic box to cover – (we got these from Mel and Jill so I’m not sure what make they are)
Brown alcohol ink (I used ‘rust’)
Graphic 45 ‘Domestic Goddess’ range,
I used a sheet each of…
Quilting Bee
Farmers Market
Domestic Goddess
Simple as Pie
7 Gypsies vintage hardware (from which I used the clock and spoon)
7 Gypsies typewriter words (from which I used ‘best’)
Thickers – I used ‘Jewelry box’ in black - but any lettering would do
plus I used wire and beads from my stash
I started by colouring all the bits of the box that would still show at the end with the brown alcohol ink. Not having my proper applicator with me I resorted to just squirting it straight from the bottle onto the box then dabbing and blending it with a bit of tissue.
I also used a black sharpie pen to colour the front of the press-stud (it was white before).
I used pieces of the ‘Quilting Bee’ paper to cover the sides of the box and front flap – cutting a hole for the press-stud. To get the pieces the right size I just measured the part I wanted to cover then took off a few millimeters so that there would be a border. The rounded flap was a bit trickier and I used some scrap paper first to get the curve right by drawing round the flap then cutting out my paper a few millimetres inside the pencil line.
I tied a piece of twill onto the plastic hanger on the back of the box then I used the large panel picture of a lady holding a pie from the Domestic Goddess sheet and stuck this onto the back.
Again, using a paper template first I cut a piece from the checkerboard side of the Farmers Market paper – (though check which panels from the other side you are planning to use first!) I cut a hole for the press-stud and stuck this paper onto the front of the box.
Ok... now back to working on that class. I'm very excited about teaching at the retreat and am loving the 7 Gypsies papers I'm working with!