Our last challenge to close out what we hope has been an enjoyable cybercrop for you and inspired some scrapbooking, friends themed or otherwise.
Sunday, 28 July 2024
Friends Cybercrop Final Challenge 8
Class 14 Rachel & Bloomingdales with Tricia
Class 13 We were on a break - with Tracy Annunziato
I'm back, this time with what is possibly one of the most famous lines, and certainly the longest running joke, of the whole series! We were on a break! More about the origin and story in my instructions, but putting it into a layout... I broke a background in half!
This fun bright summery Simple Stories collection, Just Beachy, is screaming to be used documenting breaks away from real life! So I've documented a few trips to Tenerife, where real life just doesn't get me!
I also broke a habit, you'll find no inky backgrounds here today, I've inked the edges of one layout, but that's actually not usually a habit of mine!
Class 12 The one about Chandler Bing with Ann
Friends Cybercrop Challenge 7
Class 11 Ross' Backpacking Story with Mel
Hello and welcome to my last class of the weekend. This one is named after Ross' Backpacking story because the products are travel and hiking themed - if you don't have any travel photos there are a variety of titles so you can always substitute the ones used to work with other photos.
Class 10 Smelly Cat with Karen
Hi again everyone and welcome to the final day of our Friends cyberrop.
I am guessing you all kind of knew I'd be here with Smelly Cat - it has me written all over it really.
My boys certainly aren't smelly, but they are scrapbook worthy. BUT you do NOT have to make this class about cats, or even about pets or animals of any kind. It's a beautiful versatile kit that I hope you will enjoy using.
I have instructions for three pages and this is just one of them.
You can find the instructions HERE and I hope you enjoy playing with this gorgeous kit.
Mel is up next at Noon with her 3rd class of the weekend followed by another challenge at 2pm.
Friends Cybercrop Challenge 6
Challenge 6 to kickstart your Sunday and the last day of classes and challenges from us.
Central Perk is the name of the cafe in the series where the friends often meet. For this challenge we want to see a layout featuring food and/or drinks
Should be a nice easy one for you - same rules apply as for the other challenges.
Saturday, 27 July 2024
Friends Cybercrop Challenge 5
To close out our 2nd day of Friends Cybercrop fun we have Challenge 5
Class 9 - The one about Phoebe's Triplets - with Tracy Annunziato
Time for the late night class with me! I hope you're having a good evening if you are still scrapping along with the time table, and if not, then I hope you are having a good morning/lunch/afternoon/evening depending what time you are reading this!
It's the one with Phoebe's triplets, which was the 100th episode! More about that in the instructions!
Playing with Pink Fresh, The Simple Things, I tried to keep the theme of 3 in mind. One layout features three clusters,
and another a 3 word title...
and then to keep in line with the power of 3, I made a third layout! After which I remembered there are two sheets of cardstock in the kit, not 3. So grab one from your stash to do all 3 layouts.
Class 8 The one about academic Ross with Ann
Friends Cybercrop Challenge 4
Challenge 4 here for you and with 6 main characters in the series, each very different from each other we want to see a layout with 6 distinct elements.
So you can use photos, journaling spot, pattern paper etc to create 6 distinct areas, maybe a grid, or 6 stripes, whatever you chose, but we must clearly be able to see 6 on this layout.
Class 7 The One about Central park with Tricia
Class 6 The One About Phoebe with Mel
Good afternoon, I hope you are enjoying the Friends Cybercrop. I am up next with my second class of the weekend. This one is all about Phoebe! When I knew I was working with Memory Place Stitched Together it really reminded me of Phoebes eclectic dress sense.
Class 5 - Joey wears all the clothes! - with Tracy Annunziato
I hope you have been enjoying the Cyber Crop so far... what a fabulous theme! I am a fan of the show; although not obsessed, I have watched most episodes many times... it's one of those shows I can have on in the background whilst working, and it keeps the room feeling full!
In the episode called "The One Where No One's Ready" Ross is losing his mind because he has an important function at the Museum, and everyone is taking ages to get ready, or not getting ready at all!
Chandler and Joey are having a little tiff, started because Chandler tricks Joey into drinking chicken fat, then Joey takes Chandler's seat when he goes to the toilet. Chandler then hides all of Joey's underwear, meaning he will have to wear a rented tux commando style. Joey then wears all Chandlers clothes, except underwear, gets hot and does lunges! Uttering the brilliant line "You hide my underwear, I'm wearing everything you own!"
I took inspiration from all the layers Joey was wearing, and went for full layers in this class.
The Free Spirit papers, from P13, feature a musical industrial theme, and whilst I embraced documenting when I saw Green Day with an old friend, I also feel like I mixed it up and made layouts that aren't related to music at all. This range is great for doing some masculine layouts, or just taking in the scenery.
Class 4 - PIVOT!!!! with Tricia
Good morning all
It's so lovely to be back for a mega cybercrop, I hope you are all enjoying the weekend so far.

So roll up your sleeves and head over here to start class 4!! Dont forget to head over to the facebook group to share your layouts and also for loads more inspiration!
Friends Cybercrop Challenge 3
Good morning and a happy Saturday to you - thanks for joining us for another day of cybercrop fun.
Friday, 26 July 2024
Friends Cybercrop Challenge 2
Time for another challenge...
Class 3 Joey & Days of our Lives
Hello everyone and hopefully you have been having fun on the first day of this Friend's weekend.
I have a class based on Joey's wonderful soap opera 'Day's of Our Lives' ... or, as Joey called it, DOOL!
I hope you enjoy playing with what look, at first glance, vintage heritage type papers and that the class demonstrates how you can have modern fun too.
The class has two pages and you will have goodies left over too.
This is one of the pages
You can find the class 3 instructions here
I hope you have fun enjoying the days of YOUR life. Come back at 11pm for another challenge and then join us again tomorrow for more fun.
Class 2 The one about chef Monica with Ann
Class 1 Friends Cybercrop with Mel
Welcome everyone to the first class of this years Cybercrop! When Ann and Debie came up with the theme idea I knew there would be plenty of scope and hopefully you will all enjoy the class our lovely DT have spent their time preparing for you.
So class 1 with called "The One in Barbados" I'm going to hold my hands up and say that I chose this theme for the fabulous tropical papers I was using rather than the episode which sees the gang expecting a glorious sunny holiday and ending up with a rainy season visit to a palaeontology conference!
We will make three layouts in this class, there is some mixed media involved in two of them but it is optional, you can substitute for a clean and simple white background if you prefer but I have outlined the techniques used, as always adapt to suit what you have to hand and what suits your taste.
Please do share your creations over the weekend if possible on the ATDML # Create Facebook group. Our fabulous and dedicated DT spend a lot of time creating classes and inspiration and always love to see what people have made - even if you have gone in a totally different direction with the kit we still love to see and you might inspire someone else with your ideas!
Here is the first layout and you can access the class folder with the instructions HERE
Come back at 8pm for Ann's first class of the cybercrop!
And so it begins: Friends Cybercrop Challenge 1
Welcome to our Friends themed Cybercrop - we hope you are excited to join in!!
As always we start with a challenge
Friday, 19 July 2024
Friends Cybercrop next weekend!!