So with Karen AKA Scrapdolly on a break here we are, the complete current ATDML Design Team. Of course being one member down means that some more guest spots opened up for the next few months. We have filled some of these already and I will be going through the emails from last time of people who offered their services when I had already filled the spots so if that was you keep an eye on your inbox! New applicants can also email me (at the address below) with Guest DT in the title. It helps if you can link me to your online gallery or blog.
On the same lines we are looking for more scrappers to take part in our Ingredients challenge. Over the past few months we have had several sets of intrepid scrappers who agree to take possession of a page kit (all identical) and work with just the kit and a small list of allowed additions, to create their master piece. A poll then selects a winner for a shopping voucher.
If you would enjoy this kind of challenge please email me:
Mel@atripdownmemorylane.co.uk with Ingredients Challenge in the subject line and I will get back to you.