Sunday, 19 December 2021
December Virtual Crop Class with Ann
December Virtual Crop Class with Katherine
I hope you enjoy the pages. The instructions will be posted on Facebook and do remember to come and join in the chatter and share your creations with us in ATDML#Create.
Remember to check back at 2pm for Ann's Class.
Wishing you all a lovely Christmas and super New Year.
December Virtual Class With Karen
Hello everyone and Merry Christmas. I hope your plans are progressing well and you are almost ready for whatever you and and yours do for the big day. Our Christmases tend to be very quiet, although this year the joy will be added with the two cats - I can no longer justify calling them kittens - who will be enjoying their first proper Christmas. (last year they arrived two days before Christmas and so were still too timid to enjoy the festivities)
My class this month uses the gorgeous Graphis 45 Joy to the World collection. Graphic 45 papers are so thick and luxurious they are a joy to play with and - I am afraid to say - they do lend themselves so well to fussy cutting.
I have three class pages for you to do and there is loads and loads left over too.
This is one of the pages
I hope you enjoy the class and please do share your makes in our facebook group.
You can find the instructions in the facebook group.
I wish you all the blessings of the Christmas season
Dolly x
Thursday, 16 December 2021
Festive Christmas with VB Warm Wishes
Tuesday, 7 December 2021
A little bit of Christmas with Vicki Boutin Warm Wishes
Wishing you all a super Christmas.
Sunday, 21 November 2021
November Virtual Crop with Tracy
Tracy here, with your last class of today.
I was so happy to be designing with these lovely Friendship themed papers from Photoplay, featuring so many perfect sentiments for the wonderful, and just ever so slightly crazy, friends I am so lucky to have.
My photo's aren't the most flattering, for me or my friends, but I am so pleased I have documented these memories. It's the little things that we forget, which is why we all do this hobby I guess.
Click Here for the Instructions
I hope you enjoy the classes and I can't wait to see your versions.
November Virtual Crop with Katherine
November Virtual Crop - Class 1 with Mel
Good morning all, welcome to the first class of today's Virtual Crop. This month I worked with the "And Many More" collection from Pink Paislee, one of my layouts is a birthday one to match the theme of the papers but my second is not themed as I like to show the versatility of even a heavily themed collection.
I love clean and simple layouts but I am often guilty of being unable to stop and leave lots of white space so I tried in this layout to be a bit more minimalist. If that's not your thing you can easily adapt and add a bit more with either extra layering, some doodling, mixed media elements or more photos.
Click Here for the instructions
Don't forget to come back at 12 for Katherines class and to post your layouts on our Facebook group ATDML # Create
Sunday, 24 October 2021
October Virtual Crop class with Ann- Prima Pumpkins
Happy Sunday scrappers - this mihgt be my favourite ever Autumn/Pumpkin range - just so pretty and lovely pumpkins designs.
I have made 3 layouts the instructions for which can be found HERE
October Virtual crop with Kaisercraft and Tricia
Good morning Campers
I hope you are enjoying today's classes, in this class I'll be using Kaisercraft's Flowering natives class. This range is full of fresh greens, dusky pinks and floral patterns begging to be fussy cut.
October virtual class with Karen
Hi everyone... Dolly here wishing you a happy October.
No matter what October means to you, be that Autumn colour, pumpkins, Halloween or just being warm and cozy, I have a class for you today using the gorgeous Graphic 45 Misnight Tales collection of papers and stickers.
I know that Halloween is becoming increasingly popular as a celebration here in the UK, but even if, like me, you don't celebrate Halloween, there are so many things you can do with these papers. The colours are lush and they can be really versatile.
I have two pages for you - one Halloween based and one not. This is the non Halloween one featuring my own cute little monster, Indy.
You can find the fuull instructions for both pages HERE and i hope you will enjoy the class and share what you make in our facebook group.
Have fun and keep enjoying this beautiful Autumn x
Sunday, 26 September 2021
September Virtual Crop Class 3 with Mel
Hi everyone, welcome back for class three of today's Virtual Crop. For this class I worked with the Echo Park Summer Dreams Collection which was perfect for reliving summer memories with bright cheery summer colours.
I have made two layouts for this class, the first one is below.
Click Here fore the instructions to both layouts, don't forget to share your creations over on the ATDML # Create Facebook page.
September Virtual Crop class with Ann
I hope you love the Jen Hadfield Peaceful Heart papers in this class kit as much as I did. What is not to love about florals, leaves and butterflies to fussy cut?
September Virtual Crop Class with Karen
Hi Everyone
Dolly here with a soft pastel class for you today.
The Kaisercraft papers in this kit are just so delicious and so good for such a range pf themes and photos. I loved working with them and hope you enjoy them too.
I have three class pages (and as always there are things left over too)
This is one of the pages
I can't wait to see what you think and what you all come up with. You can find the instructions HERE and, as always, please do share what you create in the facebook group.
Have fun
Dolly x
Sunday, 29 August 2021
August Cyber Crop Class with Debs
Hello and welcome to the last class of this weekend's cyber crop.
By now you are probably ready to sit down with your feet up and a cuppa.
Well, these layouts are perfect for doing just that as they are super simple to put together and the only skills required are to be handy with the scissors!
The bold colours and fantastically patterned papers do all the work in creating pages to showcase your photographs.
Full instructions can be found here.
August Cyber crop - Tricia with Pink Fresh celebrate
Good morning Campers!!
Welcome to day 2!
Today I'll be using the gorgeous Celebrate range from Pink Fresh. Full of beautiful blush tones and oversized florals it is perfect for all the outdoor get togethers we have been having lately.
The papers are full of gorgeous sweeping groups of florals that beg to be fussy cut and that's exactly what I did! I also loved the falling trellis on the 'Everyday' paper and set about making the most of it on the 2nd layout.
The key to creating the centrepieces is all in the cutting so grab your scissors and click here for the instructions.
PS. Don't forget to pop back at 12 for Debs class :)
Saturday, 28 August 2021
August 2021 - Class with Tracy
Good evening friends. I hope you have all had a lovely day. I'm typing to you from Sunny Wales again, sat in the garden with mum, beer in hand, so you could say I'm in my happy place!
I loved the bright colours in this kit, and so I chose a photograph with a rainbow of colours in the dresses and clothes we wore when Ann, Wendy and I finally met up with the Welsh after almost 2 years!!!
The travel theme worked well even for just a day out, and the sticker book will last for ages, it'll be especially great if you're planning a little travel journal!
I used the tags as a feature, because why not? I tried to keep the tag page quite simple, I hope you enjoy it.
The second page is a little more fun but both pages are pretty simple so I hope perfect for an early evening play... I hope you have a rip roaring time!
August 21 Cybercrop class with Ann & Maggie Holmes Garden Party
Happy Saturday afternoon to you all and I hope everyone is well.
Welcome to my class this weekend which uses papers from the diverse Maggie Holmes Garden Party collection including the fabulouse ephemera pack.
Ann x
August 2021 Cybercrop class with Karen
Hello everyone, Dolly here and I hope you have all had a fabulous summer. I know it has been a different year and many of us will have enjoyed holiays or days out in this country rather than travelling further afield, but I am sure you have all enjoyed something over the summer that will work wonderfully witht hese gorgeous papers.
The Carte Bella Summer range is just so lush and with the cut aparts and sticker sheet there is so much to enjoy in this packed kit.
I have two pages for you but there is literally loads left over which will, I am sure, feature on other summer pages.
This is one of the pages I have for you and I can't wait to see what you do.
Please do remember to post your class pages in our facebook group so that we can all see and enjoy them.
You can find the full instructions here.
Have fun.
August 2021 Cyber Crop - Class 1 with Katherine
Hello and welcome to our virtual crop! If you don't have the kit you can put together your own and join in the classes. As always we would love to hear from you in the chatter and see your finished pages so make sure you join in on our Facebook page ATDML#Create. In my class you will make 2 pages, but there are plenty of bits and pieces to make more - it uses the lovely Family Fun collection from Simple Stories. For the first page the focus is on the lovely foam stickers that you get in this kit with a little bit of faux stitching.
Sunday, 1 August 2021
Stash Busting with Tricia - Titles and phrases

Stash Busting with Jane - chipboard
For some reason I went through a phase where I bought loads of chipboard shapes then maybe used one or two pieces from a collection and the rest went in a drawer. So time to get that drawer out and use up some of that chipboard! Here it is (ok - well, some of it!!)
I decided that for strength I would construct my LO on a 12 x 12 canvas rather than card - but you could easily just use card - or maybe a larger sheet of chipboard if you have one. I started by sifting through and finding a frame for my photo then picking out some of the bits of chipboard I really liked and arranging and re-arranging until I had a composition I was happy with...
Sketch Prompt with Ann
Time for a sketch prompt from me and many of you know I love a tag, or a lable or indeed most stationery items and I tend to incorporate them on my pages quite often. This sketch is based on tags which are a great way to bust your stash, you can use left overs from kits, mix and match colours or keep it simple and stick with monotones.
I have used Vicki Boutin Color Study papers which include a fab tag paper!! Makes it a little easier I guess but you can make your own tag template and then use it to cut your own choice of papers.
Start with the basic 7 tags and arrange those first and then add your photo and embellish around to build up the detail.