Friday 1 November 2013

November Photography Challenge

Back again with another photography challenge which I may follow up with a scrapping challenge towards the end of the month too - for those of you that would like to join in.  So this month we are going to stick with seven items to find and photograph, this to make it achievable with the shorter days and longer nights, but it could be an ideal time to have a play with your camera or phone apps to try and grab some interesting nighttime shots, especially of fire or fireworks.  So what are you waiting for?

NOVEMBER Photography Scavenger Hunt

  1. Fire/Firework
  2. A reflection
  3. Home comforts
  4. View from a window
  5. Sign of the Season
  6. Favourite drink
  7. Something you are thankful for
So from now until the end of the month see how creative you can get photographing your 7 items and do pop back here, leave us a comment and share your favourites. Alternatively you can share them on our new Facebook group ATDML #Create where there will be an album for sharing your November challenge photographs.  Happy hunting and be sure to pop back in a few days a view some of your October photographs!

Ann x