Friday 1 April 2011

Retreat Challenges

It is always so amazing to see what a group of crafters can create when given the same remit. One of our retreat challenges was to use a mystery kit to create a layout or project with a restricted list of additional items that could be used and the creations were all so different and included a double sided calendar among an array of layouts. The winning layout was however by Nikki who won a lovely stash prize from the shop.

The altered item challenge is, quite possibly, the most amazing in variety of finished products and IMPOSSIBLY difficult to judge and pick a winner. The item for altering was a small cardboard jewellery box which in itself was lovely in pearlescent cream with a cute ribbon tie...but then our super talented ladies got creative...items included Wendy the Robot, a musical circus, a tiny treasures wardrobe to name but a few. Just take a look at these!! (Click on the photo to enlarge) Helen was the very lucky winner with her Alice work of art which features one of the mini bottles new from 7Gypsies.

Tina won the card challenge with her very pretty feathered creation.

Jane (creator of the mini circus in a box) won the Charts top10 challenge with her gorgeous canvass entitled "Born this Way".

More challenge winners tomorrow.