This weekwe are featuring the work of Karen Williams. She has written a bit about herself to introduce her and also a bit about each layout.
I am a 36 year old mother of three who has been scrapbooking since the birth of my daughter nearly four years ago. Originally from the UK, I am currently living in the Netherlands, hence my new found SAHM status, ( In the UK I was a teacher).
I like simple scrapping, half an hour is my average time on a LO, and with three children in the house you can understand why. I set myself the challenge of making 365 LOs last year, I stopped count in November ago when I got to 370! I plan the same for this year too.
I love chocolate, pizza boxes from the postman, day trips to Amsterdam, shoes, crime novels, knitting, CSI on TV ,baking, taking photographs, Strictly Come Dancing/ dancing with the Stars, scrapbooking of course, and the spring,
I hate talking about myself, bananas, dentists, taking my children for jabs, making phone-calls, having my hair cut, bananas, that I still bite my nails, and my oven. ( the oven is a long story) (yes bananas is in there twice- I really hate bananas - another long story)
1) 1940's GLAMOUR - This was my Nan back in the 1940s looking gorgeous- i tried a shabby chic style with this LO

2) IN THE GARDEN - This one is A LO with my Mum and me in my Nan's front garden with our odd dog George- I lost my Mum near Christmas six years ago so any photos I have of her are precious
3) SUMMER LOVIN' - A Lo of my son playing cricket last summer -one of his favourite sports to play- I love the stripes of different papers on this

4) THE BOY WITH THE BEAUTIFUL EYES - I love this quirky picture of my son while we were on holiday last Easter- and I love the grouping of elements on the page

5) THROWING STONES - My boys love throwing stones into water any time or place- this was in Lake Como and uses some October Afternoon paper- one of my favourite companies