Things have been pretty hectic here at ATDML HQ with a lot of retreat preparations going on, new products arriving and general busy goings on so apologies for the lack of blogging.
I am still working on using up the last of the bits and pieces from the DT kit so no current scrapping to share but I did want to follow up on a post a while back about black and white photos versus colour.
I am one of those people who thinks that photos of me always look best in black and white, it hides all manner of imperfections and I love the timeless look.
A while back we were all playing out in the garden and i took the camera out to try and get some shots of the girls and also a few of me with them.
There were a couple of Olivia and I which I thought were "OK" but I wasn't thrilled with them. Back inside, photos uploaded to photoshop I decided to have a play, with a bit of cropping, turning to black and white and contrast enhancement there are now several photos from the set that I really like.
So far I have only scrapped this one - I thought it would be interesting to show what it was like straight out of camera and then the layout where I used my black and white conversion.

As you can see the original colours would not have worked with the papers I used - the freedom of choice over the supplies that will go with a black and white photo combined with the fact that I am convinced they are more flattering is the main reason I love to convert my pictures to black and white.