The last of the Sunday classes to share today, and we had Debbie teaching us a double layout class using October Afternoon papers, including the tag die-cut sheets. Add a little stitching and voila!

Closing for the teachers last weekend was Suzanne with her gorgeous Prima layout full of texture and colour.

In addition to the sketch challenge, the card challenge and the altered heart challenge delegates were able to particpate in a mystery kit challenge, a music challenge and play scrapping bingo over the weekend.
The mystery kit contained 2 double sided sheets of paper, a sheet of card, a HOME die-cut and a bag of flowers and buttons. There was a wonderful array of layouts created using the kit, with only a few items permitted to be used with it such as white card, black/white stitching, die-cutting machines/punches/stamps, adhesive, photos and black or white pen/ink.
There were some fabulous layouts entered for this challenge but the winning one was from Melissa and featured some beautiful handcut layered flowers.
Six delegates chose to enter the music callenge and the winning layout was the yellow melon-muching page!
The final challenge was Bingo scrapbooking which we have featured here on the blog before. Our crafters had to choose a line of scrapbooking components and then build a page around them, plenty chose to do so and picking a winner from these was a real chore!

The winner chosen in the end was this lovely page.

I hope you have enjoyed our week of retreat reviewing. If we have tempted you to want to join us at a 2011 retreat keep your eye on the website where details will be revealed about the March retreat in the next couple of weeks. If you like any of the class layouts shown and aren't sure what products have been used or would like to know more, leave us a comment and one of the team will come back to you.