Hi everyone, hope you have been crafting up a storm will all the class and challenge inspiration we have been providing! Lots of you are happily sharing your projects but I have read that a few seem to be having problems with this so I am posting a little "how to" guide.
To share your projects you need 4 things.
Your name, email address, and image to share and a URL address.
The URL address is the one that seems to be giving people trouble so lets focus on that. It can be your blog address if you have one. So for myself I would type in
http://www.mafswife.typepad.com/ in this field. If you don't have a blog maybe you have a facebook account or a gallery on UKScrappers? Both of these can be used also. Simply upload your image to one of these places and then click on the image of your project and copy the URL address at the top of your browser window into the URL field on the Link tool.

Once you have entered these three pieces of information (your URL, name and email) click on Next Step! Then select the tab that says Upload from computer. You can then browse for your image on your pc, select Upload and your project should then appear beneath the thread alongside your fellow cybercroppers.

Hopefully this will help some of you who are having problems, but if you are still having problems please leave a comment on this thread and I will be around most of Sunday afternoon to help you. Looking forward to seeing more of your beautiful work here on the blog over the next week!
For those of you having trouble leaving comments as well, try logging in to www.blogger.com first and then comment on our blog. Not sure why this is playing up, but this does sometimes help.