Saturday 27 July 2024

Friends Cybercrop Challenge 3

Good morning and a happy Saturday to you - thanks for joining us for another day of cybercrop fun.

This challenge is inspired by a funny scene in the series between Ross and Rachel. Ross catches Rachel wearing a t-shirt of his from years before and demands it back wondering why she has it? She argues and suggests he'd have no need of it any longer and it would NEVER fit him anyway. He tries to prove her wrong and slips on the clearly too small for him top trying to prove it still fit! It doesn't!

So for this tiny t-shirt challenge, we want to see you using tiny elements on your page. This could be tiny photos, or tiny elements such as gems, sequins etc

1. Layout must be newly created for this event.
2. If scraplifting please give credit to original designer
3. Use #ATDMLFriendsCybercrop2024 when posting on socials
4. You can enter multiple times in the challenge inspires but 1 layouts cannot be entered in multiple challenges.
5. Challenges open until  midnight 11th August 2024

Soon be time to PIVOT! Join Tricia back here at 10am.

Friday 26 July 2024

Friends Cybercrop Challenge 2

Time for another challenge...

Challenge 2 is the one about the back of the door. In the series the main flat in NYC, where the majority of scenes are filmed has a frame around the door peep hole.  The story behind this is that originally the picture frame had a back on it but whilst the team were dressing the set the glass in it broke, and some said ‘Well let’s see what that frame looks like around the peephole.’ And they put it up there and that’s where it lived for the next 10 years.!

So yes, challenge 2 is to feature a layout with a frame. This can be around your page, or your main photo and can you even replicate the Friends iconic wobbly frame for extra kudos!

1. Layout must be newly created for this event.
2. If scraplifting please give credit to original designer
3. Use #ATDMLFriendsCybercrop2024 when posting on socials
4. You can enter multiple times in the challenge inspires but 1 layouts cannot be entered in multiple challenges.
5. Challenges open until  midnight 11th August 2024

That's us for today, Join us again tomorrow morning at 8am for Challenge 3 followed by Tricia and PIVOT! at 10am. 

Class 3 Joey & Days of our Lives

Hello everyone and hopefully you have been having fun on the first day of this Friend's weekend. 

I have a class based on Joey's wonderful soap opera 'Day's of Our Lives' ... or, as Joey called it, DOOL! 

I hope you enjoy playing with what look, at first glance, vintage heritage type papers and that the class demonstrates how you can have modern fun too. 

The class has two pages and you will have goodies left over too. 

This is one of the pages 

You can find the class 3 instructions here

I hope you have fun enjoying the days of YOUR life. Come back at 11pm for another challenge and then join us again tomorrow for more fun.


Class 2 The one about chef Monica with Ann

A warm hello from me for my first of three classes this weekend. The Simple Stories Domestic Bliss papers in the kit chosen for this class immediately made me think of the Friends character Monica and her job as a chef. And then I looked at the papers and they were more about keeping home than cooking but luckily Monica was also a home body, always cleaning and tidying so the collection still worked just as well!!

Instructions for Class 2 can be found HERE where I made 3 layouts including the one above and if you didn't grab a kit for this please do feel free to join in with your own papers and scraplift one or more of the class pages. 

We do ask that if you do scraplift you credit the designer when sharing to social media.

Next up is Days of our lives with Karen at 10pm and then we close the day with a second challenge at 11pm. 

Friends Cybercrop Class 01 with Mel

Welcome everyone to the first class of this years Cybercrop! When Ann and Debie came up with the theme idea I knew there would be plenty of scope and hopefully you will all enjoy the class our lovely DT have spent their time preparing for you.

So class 1 with called "The One in Barbados" I'm going to hold my hands up and say that I chose this theme for the fabulous tropical papers I was using rather than the episode which sees the gang expecting a glorious sunny holiday and ending up with a rainy season visit to a paleontology conference!

We will make three layouts in this class, there is some mixed media involved in two of them but it is optional, you can substitute for a clean and simple white background if you prefer but I have outlined the techniques used, as always adapt to suit what you have to hand and what suits your taste.

Please do share your creations over the weekend if possible on the ATDML # Create Facebook group. Our fabulous and dedicated DT spend a lot of time creating classes and inspiration and always love to see what people have made - even if you have gone in a totally different direction with the kit we still love to see and you might inspire someone else with your ideas! 

Here is the first layout and you can access the class folder with the instructions HERE

Come back at 8pm for Ann's first class of the cybercrop!

And so it begins: Friends Cybercrop Challenge 1

Welcome to our Friends themed Cybercrop - we hope you are excited to join in!!

As always we start with a challenge

In the opening credits of the TV episodes there is some dancing in a fountain with umbrellas for the main cast of 6. So, for this challenge, we want to see you create a weather focused layout. It can feature an umbrella too for bonus kudos!

1. Layout must be newly created for this event.
2. If scraplifting please give credit to original designer
3. Use #ATDMLFriendsCybercrop2024 when posting on socials
4. You can enter multiple times if the challenge inspires but 1 layouts cannot be entered in multiple challenges.
5. Challenges open until midnight 11th August 2024

Your first class is up in a couple of hours at 6pm with Mel kicking us off. Those with the kit the post will link to instructions, those without can join in with the theme and play along/scraplift with your own stash.

Friday 19 July 2024

Friends Cybercrop next weekend!!


Join us next weekend for lots of cybercrop fun along a Friends TV Show theme.
You don't have to be familiar with the show to join in - all wholesome fun based on lose prompts.