Can I just briefly say before I get some much needed sleep what a totally wonderful weekend we all enjoyed thanks to a combination of superb organisation, talented and helpful teachers, great classes and of course FABULOUS company! Not everyone made it down for a group photo but most of the ladies are here - all smiles after a lovely roast dinner and a weekend of creativity.
As promised yesterday there are plenty more images to share with you all - here are just a few for this evening, but the blog will be updated all week with more images and thoughts from the weekend courtesy of yours truly as Mel & Jill attend to the post-retreat frenzy!
Debbie, as mentioned yesterday taught and introduction to Decopatch class. Decopatch is fab! It's a funky addictive paper craft that's amazingly simple to do and all you need is the tissue like paper, the object that you're going to cover and the special glue varnish and class attendees were able to choose between decorating notebook covers, a mini triple frame set and wooden elements.