
Sunday, 28 July 2019

Class 16 - Andy

Hello all - Dolly here again and this is the final class of what has been an amazing weekend of fun and chatter, scrapping and recording those all important memories. Andy loved his toys so much and to show they belonged to him his name was written proudly on the bottom of his toys. So this class is all about writing - although I want you to write a lot more than just your name.

People often worry about writing on their pages, preferring to either hide the journalling or use a computer, but I promise you, in years to come it will be the fact your writing is on your pages that will help to make those memories so special.

My handwriting isn't great, but that really doesn't matter; it is me!

This class will encourage you to document special stories with more than just a who, where, when, why and what approach.

One layout focuses on a lengthier story or event, one focuses on the little things in life that are so often missed yet are the seasoning in our lives and the other - well the other is just for fun.

I can't wait to see what you come up with and most of all, I can't wait to see your writing and read your stories.

Download the instructions here

Have fun everyone and do upload your pages to our class album on our facebook page here