
Thursday 26 January 2012

*S* Thirsty Thursday

Once more Thursday rolls around with another of our Thirsty Thursday challenge series, this week with the letter S. You know by now how to play along - below we have listed some prompts for you and we challenge you to use to kickstart your next papercrafting project. Incorporate one or more in a layout or card and share your creativity using the link at the end of this blog post for a chance to win a prize in our monthly draw. This S challenge being issued so late in january will remain open until midnight on March 1st giving you plenty of to play along!

S is for SUZANNE - This week we challenge you to scraplift this layout by Suzanne from our Design team. Often one for many layers and detailed elements on her pages this should hopefully be a nice one to challenge you all this week.

S is for STICKLES - One of my favourite go-to products in my scrapbooking stash, my stickles glitter glue. Perfect for adding a little sparkly or a rustic matt dimension with the distress stickles I use them often on my pages and we challenge you to incorporate them into your next project.

S is for SIMPLE STORIES - Over 60 images in our January Gallery using the many ranges from this relatively new company, they certainly proved popular with the design team! Why not take a look at their papers and use them for this weeks challenge? They have some great new collections coming our soon as well with some divine images being revealed this week on their site.

S is for STITCH or SEW - An inexpensive way to add embellishments, texture and interest to your projects we do like a bit of sewing on our pages (or at least I do!). This sneak peak below of a layout I have created for next month's gallery features some stitching detail and we'd love to see your sewing skills on your next page or card.

S is for SCRAPLIFT - “Scraplifting” — this is a term that refers to copying/borrowing (or taking direct inspiration from) the idea behind a layout or design and using it or modifying it for your own layout. This week we challenge you to scraplift a layout of your own that you have created and to share both the original and your "inspired" by projects with us. We will be asking some of the design team to share their scraplifted projects in February so look out for those on Scraplift Saturday's next month!

That's it for another week folks. As always we would love to see how you interpret the challenges this week. If you'd like to be in with a chance to win a prize from the shop simply link your creations using our Inlinkz tool below, or leave us a lovely comment with a link to your page and which of the S challenges (one or more) that you have met with your creation. This challenge runs until middnight on March 1st 2012.