
Wednesday 9 November 2011

Quick & Easy Childs Birthday Card

Just taking the opportunity to share something from a while back which I forgot to upload...

A few weeks ago we headed up the A1 to spend the day at my neices 5th birthday party. My two girls loved the party and spending time with their two cousins.

Before we went I needed to make a card for Anya, so I set about making something bright and cheerful with a bit of sparkle too.

As ever when I am card making I totally raided the scraps box - I think there is a little October Afternoon on there, some Echo Park Stickers, the bunting is Fancy Pants and the lettering is Doodlebug Just My Type! I am eternally grateful to my sister in law for choosing 4 letter names for my neices - both easily fit on a string of bunting on a card!