
Thursday, 9 June 2011

Your Cybercrop Photo requirements

As promised more information for you in terms of what photo requirements you will need for your twelve forthcoming classes. Details for two classes are still to follow but this post will be updated when we have those.

Photo requirements for Cybercrop Classes

Class 1
Between 4 and 12 photos which will be cropped to approximately 3.5" square. I used black and white 6x4" photos and cut them to size but this only works if your subject has plenty of background showing around them!

Class 2
Three 6”x4” (2 Portrait, 1 Landscape)
Five 3”x2” (3 Portrait, 2 Landscape)
One 1 ½”x 2 ½” (Portrait)

Class 3
To follow

Class 4
Up to twelve photos no larger than 2 ¾ in x 2 ¾ in

Class 5
3- 5 portrait photos needed (not landscape) and no more than 2” wide.

Class 6
Photos can be added later.

Class 7
None needed for this class

Class 8
2 or 3 portrait photos measuring no more than 3” wide and 5” tall
Landscape photos will not work with this project.
Photos can be added later.

Class 9
Class uses three photos, you could just as easily use just one or two (for one photo, use the largest, for two photos use the two largest). The photos are being cut into circles 5.5” diameter, 3” diameter and 1.5” diameter. There is plenty of ‘give’ in the photo sizes. All photos should have a white border

Class 10
One 6”x4” photo Landscape (but portrait would also work)

Class 11
Photos can be added later.

Class 12
Class layout uses three photos each measuring 2”x3” (2 landscape, 1 portrait)
The class can be adapted for other sized photos.