
Wednesday, 5 May 2010

We said be patient....

Way back in January we asked for some Audience Participation regarding which new lines to stock. NEARLY all the Winter CHA orders have come through (except a couple of things where there were delays) and so we have a box of goodies going out to...


She added the following comment to that blog post:

Carole said...
I would love to see a combination of Websters Pages, Graphic 45 and 4 heures 37 from France.

The ranges of papers from these 3 different companies, really work well together.

Sadly though, not a lot of UK businesses have opted to supply any of these ranges, despite the fact that they are of a fantastic quality ?

I see scrappers and cardmakers asking for suppliers of these ranges on all the forums that I belong to.

Thanks for reading my comment.

6 January 2010 11:46

Carole, unfortunately your blogger profile is not leading us to a blog with contact details so please get in touch via email to claim your prize and give us the address to send the goodies to :) the email address is